Virginia wants to drill here, drill now

Oil rig at nightHouse Republicans have been staging a “sit in” of Congress since Aug. 1 when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi abruptly ended debate on energy solutions and moved-out on a five-week vacation (which appears was for Pelosi’s own benefit).

While Congress waits to act, more and more Virginians are voicing their support for off-shore drilling.

“As we sit here today, the question isn’t whether or not we are going to all agree on one program. The real issue is whether we are going to try,” said Rep. J. Randy Forbes yesterday as he joined colleagues on the floor. “Americans across the country who are facing record gas prices are calling on Congress to create a comprehensive plan that moves us in the direction of energy independence. We cannot do that by taking a five-week August recess. That is why we’ve continued to gather on the House floor, to urge leadership to return so we can work together to bring a comprehensive, bipartisan energy plan to the floor for a vote.”

Now, that call is also being issued from the #dontgo movement to all Americans (#dontgo and the “Call Congress Back” petition are associated with Virginia congressman Eric Cantor).

Eric Odom, founder of #dontGo, has asked Americans to come to Washington DC to voice their grievances regarding the inability of Congress to address the energy issue.

“Since Congress is at home for recess, we figure that there should be some angry Americans waiting for them when they finally come back to Congress,” said Odom. “What we’d like and what we’re urging Americans nationwide to do is to speak their minds. And if they’re as mad as the polls indicate about Congress’ inability to address the energy crisis, then Americans ought to let their representatives know about it by marching on Washington to petition their government.”

Apparently, that feeling is alive and well in Virginia. According to a new survey by Harris Interactive, 70 percent of surveyed Virginians now support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources.

And, tomorrow, former Sen. George Allen, Rep. Thelma Drake, and State Sen. Frank Wagner will gather with business leaders in Virginia Beach to talk about the necessity to pursue Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s energy solutions; solutions which will benefit the tourism and economic industries in Virginia. One of McCain’s proposals is to permit energy exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf.

Clearly the mood in Virginia is to “drill here, drill now.”

For those of you interested in hearing more, here’s a podcast that talks about the poll’s results and methodology:

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