My Sister’s Cousin’s Barber’s First Grade Teacher

…Mrs. Ethel Smith-Harris once saw Jack Abramoff walking down the street in Washington, DC! No really! He almost bumped into her, then he said, “Oh, excuse me” and went on AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED. And she went back to teaching school the next day! HOW COULD SHE! She is like radioactive now!!!! Who knows how her mind may have been warped just by walking down teh SAME STREET AS THAT NEO-CON CREEP, and I know you all know exactly what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh huh. Calm down, ya’ll. See this post on Cantor’s blog . There’s no “there” there. But it is a little funny to see the Democrats try to find something. And it tells you they must see Cantor as a real threat, or they wouldn’t go rummaging around in their file of Old Discredited Junk that Never Panned Out to try to find _something_ to try to say against him. If there are Democrats with that much time on their hands, maybe they could put it to good use, by maybe trying to find a possible running mate for Obama who might have the savvy to deal with, y’know, Vladimir Putin. Good luck in your search.

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