In the pocket of “Big Oil”

It turns out that a couple of candidates running for federal office this year have significant financial interests with the major oil companies.

Surprise: it’s Democrats Barack Obama and Glenn Nye.

According to the Miami Herald, “Barack Obama has an ad accusing John McCain of being “in the pocket” of Big Oil, and the Democratic party is busy mocking the “Exxon-McCain 08” ticket.” But employees of household names Exxon, Chevron and BP have given more money to Obama than McCain, according to the Center of Responsive Politics.”

And, on Glenn Nye’s latest financial disclosure statement, he has invested at least $2000 in oil companies.

In a free market economy, and as a conservative, I applaud the donations and investments being received and made by Obama and Nye. They are free to receive and invest how they please.

But does their stump rhetoric match their portfolio? It hardly makes any sense for them to be attacking Republicans on this issue when they have as significant or greater contributions or investments.

(h/t: RWL)

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