This invite sure does “take the conolis”

Del. Sal Iaquinto (R-Virginia Beach) always has a knack for coming up with awesome “themed” fund raisers. One year it was “pirates.” This year’s it’s the “Godfather.”

But what takes the cake, or should I say “canolis”, is the invitation itself. It’s sure to get attention.

The party is being held at Waterman’s in Virginia Beach on Sept. 16…let’s hope nobody ends up “sleeping with the fishes!”

If you want to go, $75 gets you in the door, shell out $140 and you can bring a friend, $250 gets you an audience with the “Don”. And the amount goes higher until you are definitely going in and out through the kitchen. To go, e-mail [email protected].

Update: The RTD also writes on this fund raiser.

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