Episode 35. Virginia Politics On-Demand. “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”. Aug. 6, 2008.

Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” is a gripping documentary about the dangers facing the United States, Great Britain, Israel and other western nations from a hijacked form of Islam that is estimated to appeal to more than 100 million people.

The description from the movie’s official web site says:

This award-winning documentary is an expose of Radical Islam. Obsession provides the facts and historical perspectives needed to understand the extent and magnitude of the global conflict with Radical Islam. Using footage from Arabic T.V. rarely seen in the West and interviews with former terrorists, Obsession depicts suicide bomber initiations, secret jihad meetings, indoctrination of young children, and private celebrations of 9/11. Islamic politics are viewed from an angle usually unseen by Western audiences. The West’s inability to accurately assess and evaluate the current global threat is shown.

Obsession examines how seemingly isolated acts of terrorism are seen by radical Islamists as integral parts of a global war or jihad for world domination.

Today, J.R. talks with Gregory Ross, a spokesperson for the film, about the movie, why it was made, what it hopes to accomplish, and why the DVD is as important today as when it was released in 2006.

Click to view the trailer for the film, a free 12-minute clip, or stream online for only $4.95.


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Opening music “Highway Run” by the Charlie Wheeler Band and “Mosane” by ES Posthumus available through Ariel Publicity.

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