When are we going to get serious about kids

18 isn’t a kid anymore, but it’s about time we (that means both parties) stop dealing with things like this with kid gloves.

Micheal Colon, 18, was charged in Suffolk today with bringing a gun to school. It could’ve been much worse.

Colon, who had an outstanding hit-and-run warrant on file, police said, has been suspended with a recommendation for expulsion, George said. (Virginian-Pilot)

An outstanding warrant? How tough is it to serve a warrant on a student? I have a pretty good idea where he’s likely to be between 9 and 3.

How’d you like to be the parent of a kid who was shot and killed by someone who the police could’ve arrested, but they couldn’t figure out how to serve a warrent on a kid in school?

I’ve written and spoken about education numerous times. If one wanted to blog about sexual offenses in school nationwide, you have more than enough stories to keep you busy.

Pick your topic, if that doesn’t urge you to act? Drugs – I’ve had students tell me which high school specializes in which drug. Gangs? Despite rhetoric from a decade ago, they’re here and they’re real.

And now guns – in the car of a student whom the police had a warrant sitting around.

Friends, if we don’t get involved and stop ignoring the problems that no one wants to talk about, someone’s going to get killed. If it can happen in Suffolk, believe me, it can happen anywhere.

We can’t tolerate this anymore.

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