6th District Chairman responds to “Republicans as Terrorists”

Yesterday, we posted about Cobalt6’s antics, which prompted the following statement from Fred Anderson, Chairman of the 6th Congressional District Republican Committee:

Earlier this week Democratic Party Official Cliff Garstang stated on the liberal blog Cobalt6 that supporters of Congressman Bob Goodlatte are “terrorists” and then went on to ask “What is the difference between a Republican and a Terrorist? Terrorists have principles.”

I find it highly offensive that a leader in the 6th Congressional District Democratic Committee and a Member of the Democratic Party of Virginia’s State Central Committee would proclaim that Americans who believe in the principles of the Republican Party are Terrorists. These comments are completely inappropriate.

Does Mr. Garstang speak for the Democratic Party of Virginia and their candidates? Does Senator Barack Obama, Governor Mark Warner, and Sam Rasoul share his belief that Republicans are Terrorists? The Democratic Party of Virginia, Barack Obama, Mark Warner, and Sam Rasoul owe it to the people of Virginia to repudiate these comments, disavow the blog Cobalt6, demand that their webads be pulled from the site, and stop posting campaign sponsored commentary on it.

Fred Anderson, Chairman
6th Congressional District Republican Committee

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