Tonight, I get “Sirius”, along with our weekly podcast

If you are so inclined, and you have a Sirius radio, I’ll be on “The Blog Bunker” (Indie Talk 110) at 5 p.m.

Preliminary topics include…

  • McCain’s new ad with images of Britney Spears & Paris Hilton – are negative attacks on Obama helping or hurting McCain
  • McCain vice president possibilities
  • The budget deficit is estimated by the Bush administration to be at 490 billion and some are saying it could be as high as 600 billion. McCain once stated he would balance the budget by the end of his first term – is that still possible and does he still believe he can
  • Many conservatives still don’t fully support McCain – how can McCain convince people he is the right man for conservatives and the Republican party – or does he even need to because conservatives & Repubs will just vote for McCain because they don’t want to see Obama as President
  • How badly will third party candidates, esp. Nader and Barr, affect McCain’s chances & the amount of votes he gets

I’d be shocked if we also didn’t touch upon Obama’s injection of race into the campaign though too.

Speaking of broadcasts, we’ll also be recording Virginia Politics On-Demand tonight. Our topics will include Kaine and the VP — how does it impact Virginia, more on the Brownlee/Cuccinelli dust-up, Mark Warner’s advertising campaign, and much more! If you have a comment for the show, be sure to email us.

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