Warner’s Inroads

Had a nice young woman come to our door in the sultry Henrico suburbs this evening. She was canvassing the neighborhood for Mark Warner. After I told her, in rather colorful terms, what I thought of Warner – and Jim Gilmore – we talked a little shop.

But afterwards, something struck me — she said the Warner campaign was reaching out, even into rock-ribbed Republican neighborhoods like mine — to ID voters and maybe change some minds.

In other words, Mark Warner isn’t chasing Democratic voters any longer. They are already his. He’s chasing Republicans now (and has been for some time).

It reminded me of a similar meeting back in 2005, when Mrs. Leahy had a chat with a Kaine canvasser in the front yard (who within a couple of days, sent us a follow-up thank you note). This kind of ground game can move votes. It helped Kaine here in 2005 and it will most likely help Warner, too.

I’m still waiting for the day when a GOP canvasser comes to my neighborhood…just so I can determine whether they really exist.

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