Wittman taking nothing for granted

Rep. Rob Wittman campaigns at the Caroline County Fair.Since Keith Hummel’s unexpected departure from the 1st District congressional race, Rep. Rob Wittman (R-1) does not have an announced Democratic opponent. But that isn’t stopping Wittman from doing all the necessary things campaigns should do.

According to his campaign manager, Casey Werderman, Wittman’s campaign now has three headquarters that are fully operational, he’s still campaigning (such as at the Caroline County Fair this past weekend – pictured), and his staff is “geared up and ready to go.”

“[Rep. Wittman] has said he is going to run an all out campaign with or without an opponent,” said Werderman. “He has a message that people need to hear and the response from folks has been incredible.”

With an advantage in fund raising, staff, and infrastructure, it is going to be very difficult for anyone to enter the race at this point.

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