Did Obama telegraph Kaine as his VP choice?

Tim Kaine and Barack Obama appear together earlier this year in VirginiaYesterday on “Meet the Press” presumptive Democratic nominee for president Sen. Barack Obama described his ideal running mate as someone “who shares a vision of the country, where we need to go, that we’ve got to fundamentally change not only our policies, but how our politics works, how business is done in Washington.”

Obama also said the potential running-mate must also have “integrity”, “independence”, and be “willing to tell me where he thinks or she thinks I’m wrong.”

Given that Kaine is the governor of a “battleground” state, was one of the first Democrats to endorse the Obama candidacy, has never held any Washington elected office, has managed the national guard in this state, and is now a friend of the Obama’s, it is growing increasingly difficult to rule him out as the choice.

One person we can rule out: Hillary Clinton. Given the criteria, Obama will never choose her.

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