Tim Kaine still mentioned as a Veep Candidate

In Chuck Todd’s most recent column, Gov. Tim Kaine still gets mentioned as a “comfort” vice presidential pick for Barack Obama.

For Obama, a comfort pick would be Tim Kaine, Kathleen Sebelius or even Jack Reed. All three could bring a little something to the ticket. But we in the media like to focus more on what each would not bring, and what could make these picks potentially treacherous.

For Kaine, that “treacherous” landscape probably has been his ineffectiveness as governor in creating compromise and consensus around a transportation plan.

So, since everyone else is having fun speculating, we might as well too: from a Virginian’s perspective, who makes sense to be the VP pick for either party? What potential VP candidate best represents the issues you care the most about? And, how will that help the presidential nominee?

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