On offshore drilling and moonbats

Good post went up last night on “Patriot Room” if only for its headline: “Virginia wants to drill – moonbats go crazy“.

The post is an analysis of a WaPo article on offshore drilling which includes one incredible chicken-little, hyperventilating, doomsday scenario from a “coastkeeper” (aka “moonbat”) from Assateague Island in Maryland and her blithering counterpart from the Sierra Club.

Bill Dupray wraps up his post with a great point:

For some perspective as to how difficult it is to have a spill from an offshore rig, one need only note that when when Hurricanes Katrina and Rita smashed into the Gulf Coast in 2005, MSNBC reported that while more than 7 million gallons of oil were spilled from industrial plants, storage depots and other facilities around southeast Louisiana, the Coast Guard received no reports of any offshore spills.

But the environmentalists also don’t want those stubborn facts to get in the way of their vivid imaginations. You see, the world as we know it will end, even if no oil is spilled, because oil, by its very existence, is bad.

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