McCain’s running mate

Politico says that one name is currently heads and shoulders above the rest of the pack to be John McCain’s running mate.

Mitt Romney!

McCain sources tell Politico that they believe Romney could raise $50 million in 60 days. One close Romney adviser said it could even be $60 million.

Romney’s other advantages, according to people involved in McCain’s screening process:

— Squeaky-clean and fully vetted by the national media.

— Has presidential looks and bearing and immediately would be a strong campaigner who could be trusted to stay on message.

— Family’s Michigan roots would help in a swing state that went Democratic in 2004.

Problem? Apparently, McCain and Romney aren’t exactly fishing buddies.

Others in the pack include:

Rob Portman of Ohio and Sen. John Thune of South Dakota.

Possibly former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, and Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Reportedly Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is out – too young, sez they.

But Obama has been a fundraising phenom, and Romney’s rolodex and checkbook might just trump all.

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