“Dubya” Here…

The Party of Hope, Change, and freebies is once again dividing Americans with fierce partisan rhetoric and the politics of class envy.

Check out this radio ad, featuring a Bush impersonator:

Pattie, ‘W’ here, thank you for continuing to support the Big Oil energy agenda. ‘Preciate you voting to keep giving billions in tax breaks to the big oil companies. Sure, gasoline is over four bucks a gallon and the oil companies are making record profits, but what’s good for Big Oil is good for America, right? I guess that’s why they call us the Grand Oil Party. Heh, heh, heh. Seriously, Patrick, I know I can always count on you.”

The DCCC is running these 60 second ads targeting 13 vulnerable Republican lawmakers — the “W” impersonator is calling to thank the electeds for supporting big oil interests (presumably against the will of constituents). UPDATE: one of these targeted legislators is VA’s own Thelma Drake.

And the Republicans don’t have the kind of money it takes to respond. If they did, they would have a solid message about the need to cultivate American energy (stalled over and over by Democrats who care more about the Sierra Clubs’ donations than the well-being of their constituents). They would remind us of the sheer foolishness of the Dems plan to raise taxes at a time when Americans are struggling to meet their budgets (are you listening, Tim Kaine?) and they would tell us that Republicans understand the law of supply and demand — we will work with economic realities instead of against them by (1) increasing our domestic fuel supply while (2) working to develop alternative energy sources and (3) reduce per capita energy demand by incentivizing the building of more efficient homes, cars, offices and electronics.

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