No Joke:

So, two guys walk into the JP…
and walk out MARRIED?

Apparently, yes. In Norfolk.

Two guys got their marriage license in Newport News and were married in a civil ceremony in Norfolk. Unlike California, where a mayor defied the law to marry same-sex couples, here officials thought Justin was Justine.

The couple has not spoken to the press but there’s plenty of speculation about whether Justin / Justine is a transgendered individual who sees himself and presents himself as a woman. If so, some are wondering whether the marriage is legal in Virginia.

The Marriage Amendment (and the Code of Virginia) say that only a marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid in this Commonwealth. But they don’t define the terms “man” and “woman” as someone who was born “male” or “female.” Seems that no matter what happens, Virginia law is a bit behind the deviance curve.

Now the debate is over whether the Commonwealth should press misdemeanor charges against the couple. I don’t think that would be particularly wise. Justin and his “groom,” Antonio, probably truly believe that Justin is female and they might even think that what they did is as legal or moral as what thousands of of couples do all the time. It would probably be best if the Commonwealth revoked the marriage and didn’t charge the couple.

Justin / Justine sounds like a very troubled young person with deep identity issues. He appears to be estranged from his family, he wants to change his name to Penelopsky Aaryonna Goldberry and, at just 18 years old, he’s in a long-term relationship with someone 13 years his senior. Some will think his issues are only because society doesn’t understand him, but the last thing anyone wants is to hurt a vulnerable young man. It’s entirely possible that this young person needs professional assistance.

If this relationship was sexual a day before Justin’s birthday, then it qualifies as statutory rape — now, we all know that often isn’t prosecuted if the relationship is consensual, but just because there’s no prosecution and just because a minor believes such a relationship is “love,” doesn’t mean that no damage has been done.

Anyone wanna bet that Bob Marshall will be all over this one.

See story from ABC 7.

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