Polls: Warner crushing Gilmore

Now that we know who our two U.S. Senate candidates will be, it’s probably a good time to take a poll, right?

Well, Rasmussen thought so and they’re telling us that Mark Warner is crushing Jim Gilmore by 27 points, 60-33. Ouch.

It’s amazing how many people have forgotten that Warner raised taxes and that Gilmore actually lowered them. Next time you get your personal property tax bill, look at what you would be paying if not for the Gilmore tax cut. It ain’t pretty.

Imagine paying several hundred extra dollars a year in addition to the current burdens placed on you by homeownership, income, and sales taxes, not to mention the price of gasoline and the taxes associated with it.

I wish these two could just get along because Jim Gilmore, by slicing the tax on personal property from 1997-2001, and Mark Warner, from 2001-2005, did a great job of managing this commonwealth through some difficult financial periods. They should be far closer than 27 points.

But I guess I’m the minority…at least that’s what this poll tells me.

(h/t: Cobalt6)

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