McCain Report takes on Kerry for his Islamic “history lesson”

The McCain Report took Sen. John Kerry head-on for his remarks on the schism between Sunni and Shi’a since “682 A.D.” and his implication that Sen. John McCain does not understand the history.

Now, we at the McCain Report have been receiving a great number of panicked emails from supporters all morning, deeply troubled by Senator Kerry’s suggestion that Senator McCain is anything less than totally familiar with the finer points of 7th century Islamic history. And frankly, we were worried too, at first. After all, we know that — more than keeping America safe from its enemies abroad, more than getting our economy back on track, more than breaking through the partisan gridlock that is preventing Washington from solving the problems we as a nation face — Americans want, nay demand, that their next Commander in Chief is intimately familiar with the “history going back to 682 of what has happened to the Sunni and Shia.”

However, the gentleman from Massachusetts, in his efforts to show his vast intellect, demonstrated that he had no earthly idea what he was talking about. Shiites believe that the rift began at Mohammed’s death in 632, and the only thing close to the year Kerry cited was the Battle of Karbala in 680.

I guess if anyone needs a history lesson, it’s Mr. Kerry; after all, he was so effective a communicator and candidate that he lost to George Bush. And who can forget his own personal history at relating his expert knowledge of foreign affairs — you know, the same knowledge that caused 1 million deaths after our military left Vietnam.

(h/t: Right-Wing Liberal)

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