RPV Chairman Candidates: Question 2

John Hager and Jeff Frederick face off, and the topic is – our friends the Democrats!

What are the Democrats doing well?

Jeff Frederick

They are doing many things well, and the election results show it. But governing isn’t just about elections. In every objective measurement of what it takes to win campaigns, our opponents are out performing us. Whether it is in the use of technology; fundraising; communications; outreaching to youth; and yes, even grassroots activism – we are getting our butts kicked by the Dems.

They have also figured out how to run their candidates right-of-center to win, but then get away with governing from the left. Because we’ve often failed to govern with a solid right-of-center agenda of our own; with Republicans providing cover to Mark Warner and Tim Kaine’s tax-hike schemes; John Hager and Preston Bryant serving in their cabinets (respectively); and Virginia Democrats issuing strong policy positions on things like 2nd Amendment rights (while we have not done so), we’ve been unable to counter the Democrat’s right-of center message.

John Hager

What the Democrats did well nationally in 2006, and what Barack Obama is also doing well right now is deceiving. They are making all the promises in the world and cloaking them under the message of change.

When you pull back the curtain all they are really offering are higher taxes, bigger government, compassion for criminals, and a full out assault on traditional values.

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