Virginia’s fallen memorialized at the Capitol

Yesterday, Virginia leaders and dignitaries paid respect to Virginia citizens who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom during the Global War on Terror. 29 more names were added to the wall which now bears the names and images of 170 servicemembers who gave all for us.

“Last year we dedicated the Virginia Wall of Honor, a permanent memorial to the brave Virginians lost in the Global War on Terrorism. Sadly, one year later, we return to add new names and faces to the Wall, and to remember that as we go about our daily lives the great opportunities and freedoms we have as Americans are being daily preserved by the men and women who choose to wear the uniform and defend our nation,” said Attorney General Bob McDonnell. “I am both amazed and saddened by the sacrifice of these Virginia Heroes, and I hope that all Virginians will stop this Memorial Day Weekend to thank a veteran, and remember all those who we have lost, and all those who serve today.

“I hope that Virginians will come to Richmond and see the Wall of Honor. When you look at the faces of our brave warriors, you look into the soul of Virginia. You understand why this is the greatest nation on earth. And you resolve anew to never forget those who stood to fight, so that we may live in peace.”

Flyover by UH-60L Blackhawk helicopters, flown by the 2nd Battalion 224th Aviation Regiment (Assault), Virginia Army National Guard:

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