“Start spending our resources here”

I had a chance to see Sen. Jim Webb’s endorsement of Leslie Byrne for Congress, which in all likelihood is a payback for her endorsement of him in 2006, and was struck not by its blatant defeatist mentality (which is certainly there), but this key line buried at the end of the literature in the small print:

“Now Leslie has signed onto a detailed plan to end the war in Iraq, to bring our brave troops home and to start spending our resources here (emphasis mine) where they are needed most.”

This is what gets Leslie Byrne the label “liberal”. It’s also a line I have heard uttered by Barack Obama several times in the last few months.

The reality is that the money going to the government to pay for this war should NOT remain in the government coffers. These resources are not for “spending”; they’re for winning the war. And when the war is over, regardless of whether that is preemptively achieved by liberals like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Byrne, that is not a blank check for Democrats to suddenly go on a shopping spree.

Sometimes I wonder if that’s their only opposition to the war — so they can have more money to spend domestically.

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