Jeff Frederick to not seek re-election, if voted RPV Chair

In a very principled move by Del. Jeff Frederick, he announced yesterday that he would not seek re-election to the House of Delegates if elected as RPV Chair.

Some might speculate that this isn’t such a stretch for Frederick, considering the seat is a tough one for Republicans to win anyway and the district is a likely candidate to be re-drawn, regardless, the move shows party loyalists that Frederick is serious about becoming the Party’s next chair and will make it a full-time commitment.

Money quote:

With the loss of 9 seats in the General Assembly in just the last 6 months alone, and RPV finishing 5th in fundraising to four Democratic committees last year, the risk is too great for me to not make the tough decision to eliminate any objections to my candidacy for Party chair.
With a dedicated focus on the Chairmanship, however, I’ll not only be free to build upon my successes in winning tough Democrat leaning districts like the one I currently represent in Northern Virginia, but also to advance our conservative agenda statewide to help us win back seats where the Democrats have trumped us.

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