Is Mark Warner hiding something?

Why would a presidential candidate, who seemed to be a front-runner, suddenly decide he needed to come back to Virginia for his family, only to decide to enter another high-pressure election? The New Republic, hardly a bastion of conservatism, asks the same question.

Indeed, what’s become clear at the end of this primary season is that neither Democratic candidate’s appeal is as wide as Democrats would prefer.


One wonders, in retrospect, if there were some candidate who could have bridged this divide and appealed strongly to both groups. Somebody like Mark Warner, perhaps, whom the Obama coalition might have embraced as an entrepreneurial, somewhat postpartisan, reformist fresh face, and whom the Clinton coalition might have embraced as a culturally moderate, economically savvy governor of a border state.

No worries. Many people already know why…and time reveals all. 🙂

(h/t: Virginia Virtucon)

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