Singh-Ellmore race down to last few weeks

Amit Singh recently held a fund-raiser with Rep. Ron Paul and State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli, helping garner over $57K in donations. Mark Ellmore just picked up five new GOP endorsements from within the 8th District. With just over three weeks to go in the race, both candidates are working feverishly to shore up the nomination.

“The campaign is your life,” said Singh, a first-time candidate en route to another campaign event. “But I’ve enjoyed every minute.”

Both Singh and Ellmore are making the rounds in the 8th, not wasting any time. Last Wednesday, Ellmore, because of a campaign commitment, had to reschedule a podcast with us for later this week.

So, who’s the favorite?

“Quite frankly, it’s real tough to tell,” wrote one well-known GOP activist in the 8th to BD. “It’s a very low-profile election thus far; aside from party activists (committee members), most folks don’t know either candidate yet. [The outcome] will likely be determined by what the campaigns do during final weeks.”

Ellmore just picked up the endorsement of five more prominent 8th District Republicans:

  • The Hon. Bill Cleveland, former Vice Mayor of Alexandria City
  • The Hon. Stuart Mendelsohn, former Supervisor of Dranesville District in Fairfax County
  • Shirley Sadler, women’s rights activist
  • Susan Valentine, Chair of the Lee District Republican Party
  • Patrick McDade, 2007 Republican candidate for Commonwealth Attorney in Fairfax County

According to an Ellmore release, this brings his endorsements from party insiders, such as former state Sen. Jay O’Brien, National Committeeman Morton Blackwell, and former GOP congressional candidate Steve Tate, to 22.

“I am the only candidate that understands the needs of the troops and their families,” said Ellmore. “I understand as a parent of a son in the Air Force, the agony of sending a child to serve in a foreign nation. Additionally, I am the only candidate who is supporting John McCain for President.”

However, Singh is attending the grand opening of the Virginia headquarters for McCain today.

He also feels that his message is resonating with the voters.

“I am running on a clear and consistent platform,” said Singh. “One of limited government, fiscal responsibility, protecting our personal freedoms, and a strong national defense. These are not only Republican values, but core American values; values that the voters of the 8th District strongly agree with. I like my chances in June.”

Singh also was the first signatory to the “Change Congress” pledge organized by Professor Lawrence Lessig and Joe Trippi, He is not accepting contributions from lobbyists and other corporate special interest groups.

Ellmore has been running for over a year; Singh entered the race in March 2008.

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