Virginian-Pilot misses the transportation story

It would be funny if it wasn’t so frequent, but a big backhand to Tom Holden of the Pilot.

Somehow, key facts were missing in his story about the recent CNU Poll on transportation.

The things not reported are right in the first paragraph of CNU’s press release about the poll. So, either they were purposefully left out, or Holden didn’t even read the poll he reported on.

Holden dutifully reported how popular some transportation projects are, and how unpopular regional funding methods are, but look at what he kept from you.

a. I trust elected and appointed officials to spend new funding only on transportation improvements in Hampton Roads.

Agree 44% Disagree 53%

b. I worry that new funding for transportation improvements will be diverted to other uses and not spent on transportation improvements in Hampton Roads.

Agree 78% Disagree 20%

c. I want all new transportation funding to be put into a “lockbox” so that it can be used for transportation improvements in Hampton Roads.

Agree 87% Disagree 11%

87% want a lockbox! 78% think the money will be diverted! 53% don’t trust any of them! I think those are pretty key points to the discussion about why transportation solutions seem to go nowhere.

And that’s not good enough to print! That doesn’t make the cut, but he found room to print “Most prefer that all Virginians be taxed equally for transportation projects.”

Which, by the way, is totally contradicted in this little question in the poll:

In general, which method of funding transportation projects in the Hampton Roads area would you prefer?

To raise taxes on a statewide basis and then give Hampton Roads its share. 42%

To raise taxes or fees only in the Hampton Roads region and keep the money here. 44%

Since when is 42% “most Virginians?”

Did Holden even read the poll he’s reporting on?

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