Tone-Deaf Spending or Hearing Other Music?

From The Hill, “Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has requested nearly $2.3 billion in federal earmarks for 2009, almost three times the largest amount received by a single senator this year.” In contrast, Congressman Eric Cantor (Va-7) is one of a few House Republicans seriously asking his fellow legislators to give up earmarks.
[photo of Eric Cantor]
Who’s listening to what here? Cantor seems to be listening to his constituents and a lot of other Americans who think that spending in Washington has gone crazy. Clinton may be listening to the sound of someone else getting the Democratic nomination for President, which would mean she would remain the same old pork-requesting Senator from New York that she is now.

Photo details: photo of Eric Cantor from April 28, 2008. Canon EOS5D, 200mm, 1/80 at f/2.8, ISO 3200.

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