Gilmore Wins Straw Poll Among Conservatives

[Photo of Jim Gilmore at VCLC]At Saturday’s Virginia Conservative Leadership Conference on Saturday, a straw poll was taken during the banquet. The room was full of conservative activists, pro-life folks, home-schoolers, etc. For Senate, here are the results (roughly 200 people voting):

Jim Gilmore: 57%
Bob Marshall: 40%

Marshall was there that day and he should have owned the room. If he couldn’t win in that room, it’s not looking good for him for the convention. Conservatives can and will support Jim Gilmore for Senate.

Two more interesting results:

  1. For President, 91% voted for McCain. So much for the idea that conservatives will refuse en masse to vote for him.
  2. For Attorney General:
    Cuccinelli: 85%
    Brownlee: 9%
    Harris: 6%
  3. Most predictable result: for Gov., Lt. Gov., McDonnell and Bolling at 99%+.

Photo is of Jim Gilmore at a panel on homeland security, before the poll was taken at dinner. Homeland security is a serious topic, but Gilmore approaches it with the belief that most people will respond well in a crisis, if they are well-prepared. You cannot overemphasize how important planning and preparation are, both for governments and for individual citizens.
Here is a sample of Gilmore’s work on National Security.

Photo details: Canon EOS 5D, 200mm, ISO 800, 1/100 at f/3.5.

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