For state judges — its all politics

To become a judge you apparently have to know somebody — just not be related.

In a rather odd case, Del. Tom Gear’s (R) sister, Kathy Gear-Owens, was the Senate Democrats compromise candidate so that three of their picks would make it to the Hampton courts without much of a fight. Somebody didn’t tell Senate Republicans about this compromise because not even 8 of them would join 12 Democrats and rally to the cause to support the so-called “compromise candidate.”

So, what happened when news came back to the House of Owens failure to be selected? Leader Griffith wiped “the slate clean” — basically taking out of contention the other three Democrat appointees.

Then, on the Southside, there’s all sorts of fun going on. Former Judge Chuck Griffith, a Republican-selected judge was not re-elected by Senate Democrats. This, in-turn, has led House Republicans to block Senate Democrat choices for three judgeships, including former Democratic Delegate Jerrauld Jones, who is currently a Domestic Relations judge seeking to be seated in the Norfolk Circuit Court.

Political football is alive and well when it comes to judicial appointments.

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