14 Delegates

During last night’s “Decision 2008” live-blog that was more about hockey than politics (by the way, Philadelphia did win in overtime and will play Montreal while Pittsburgh gets set for the New York Rangers), I commented shortly after Fox called the election for Clinton that “She may have won the popular vote, but I have a feeling that a substantial number of delegates are going to Obama.”

Now, I’m not claiming to be a rocket-scientist or anything, but it should be no surprise to anyone that last night’s results are effectively a wash. Clinton netted 14 delegates (80-66). That’s it. Despite a 55-45 popular vote victory, she hardly made-up any ground on Obama.

And, judging from the lack of winner-take-all the rest of the way, she won’t the rest of the way either.

Looks like things in the Democratic Party are going to be just “SUPER!” this summer.

(Of course, this song probably only applies to “Super”-delegate Rep. Barney Frank)

More from Virginia Virtucon and RWL.

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