Brownlee to cause another ROVA v. NOVA debate?

It seems that the announcement of John Brownlee resigning from his US Attorney’s position and, potentially, getting ready to run for AG has caused some folks to believe that this will be another example of NoVA (Sen. Cuccinelli) v. RoVA (Brownlee).

I, on the other hand, think far more important considerations are redistricting and running a strong candidate for AG.

First, should Sen. Cuccinelli move to AG, this almost certainly gives the seat over to Democrats, further reducing GOP numbers in the Senate to 18, and making redistricting in 2010 a very ugly affair between the Democrat-controlled Senate and Republican-controlled House.

However, should Cuccinelli maintain his seat and the very wealthy, mature, ticked-off (Sen. Whipple, this is for you), and recently betrothed Sen. Colgan decide to retire, then it is possible in 2009 for the Senate to go back into REPUBLICAN CONTROL, making Lt. Gov. Bolling the tie-breaking vote on all redistricting plans in the Senate.

Second, prosecutors have always faired well as the GOP nominee for Attorney General. Brownlee is. Cuccinelli isn’t.

So, before we go all geographical…there are certainly other things for Republicans to consider.

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