FEC numbers from Virginia candidates

There were few surprises from yesterday’s FEC filings…however, J’s notes has a good run-down on what’s going on in the 11th. The big news there is that among Democrats, Gerry Connolly is out-raising Leslie Byrne. More importantly, Republican Keith Fimian is out-raising Connolly 2:1.

In addition to J’s notes, also check out Right-wing Liberal and Virginia Virtucon on the race in the 11th.

Of course, a fund-raising advantage does not guarantee victory…at least that’s what supporters of Bob Marshall are saying regarding Jim Gilmore, and what both Republicans are saying to Mark Warner. Gilmore raised $396K this quarter to Marshall’s $52K. Of course, Mark Warner raised $2.5 million. Ouch.

In the “competitive” race here in Hampton Roads in the 2nd House District between incumbent Thelma Drake (R) and community newcomer Glenn Nye (D), Nye did pretty well, raising $252K and spending only $30K. Drake raised a little over $300K, but spent about $120K of it, giving her $593K still available in the “war chest.”

For those interested in the Republican congressional primary in the 8th, Amit Singh raised $35K and spent five of it and, at the time of this post, there was no data available on Mark Ellmore. Rep. Jim Moran (D) has over $730K on-hand.

Over in the 10th, Democrat Judy Feder did well in her out-of-state fundraising and collected about $311K for $700K on-hand, whereas Rep. Frank Wolf (R) raised about the same at $310K and has $716K for the campaign. At-least the money-race is close in this one.

For the curious among us, Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01) has about $80K, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA03) has $143K, Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA04) has $399K available, Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA05) has $593K, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA06) has $1.5M, Rep. Eric Cantor (VA-07) has $753K, and Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA09) has nearly $1.4M.

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