McCain to be in Alexandria and will also advocate for larger military next week

Sen. John McCain is coming to Episcopal High School in Alexandria Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. as part of his “Service to America” tour that he is conducting next week. McCain was a student there.

“I doubt I will ever meet another person who has the impact on my life that my English teacher at Episcopal High School did,” Sen. McCain will say next Tuesday. “But I know there are many Americans who should teach and can influence children as beneficially as he did me. All children should have a teacher like I had, who they remember when they have children and grandchildren as one of the most fortunate relationships in their lives.”

The tour seeks to “re-introduce” McCain to the American people. On the tour, stories of McCain’s life will be told and how those experiences have shaped his values. “Values,” according Steve Schmidt with McCain 2008 who led a conference call for bloggers, “that inspire [McCain] to change America and move America forward as the 44th President of the United States.”

For more on the tour, visit the McCain web site.

Also during the conference call, Schmidt said that McCain next week will advocate for increasing manning in the Army and Marine Corps. When asked by Hugh Hewitt if he would have anything to say about the Navy and shipbuilding (of obvious concern to us in Hampton Roads), Schmidt said that there would be more on that issue later.

In other McCain news, in Mike Allen’s “Playbook” on Politico describes McCain’s new 60-second ad “624787” that airs today in New Mexico:

John McCain: “Keep that faith. Keep your courage. Stick together. Stay strong. Do not yield. Stand up. We’re Americans. And we’ll never surrender.”

Announcer: “What must a president believe about us? About America? That she is worth protecting? That liberty is priceless? Our people, honorable? Our future, prosperous, remarkable and free? And, what must we believe about that president? What does he think? Where has he been? Has he walked the walk?”

Interviewer: “What is your rank?”

John McCain: “Lt. Commander in the Navy.”

Interviewer: “And your official number?”

John McCain: “624787.”

Announcer: “John McCain. The American president Americans have been waiting for.”

John McCain: “I’m John McCain and I approve this message.”

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