Republicans launch transportation proposal

Dels. Glenn Oder and Phil Hamilton today formally asked VDOT to study a single-tube expansion of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. This is by far the most congested chokepoint in Hampton Roads, and Republicans are moving to address this now, apart from any regional transportation package.

Much more here

This lowers congestion at a lower cost than previous plans and lowers the right of way impact on homes and businesses. The letter can be found here

Oder indicated that “it is most important for this study to be paid for and managed by VDOT in order to be independent of past Metropolitan Planning Organization and Hampton Roads Planning District Commission studies and proposals.”

Hamilton added, “The urgency of this request cannot be overstated. The time for addressing the traffic congestion issues of the most important transportation corridor in Hampton Roads is long overdue.”

Mayor Fraim offered some support, saying he’d support the Republican initiative if it didn’t hurt the other six projects.

Well, since no one knows if we’ll ever get the six projects, and the MPO doesn’t seem chomping at the bit to change any of them, I’m not worried about their six projects.

Kudos to Oder and Hamilton for focusing on traffic congestion and not waiting for the MPO or HRPDC to get it.

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