Obama’s Pastor of Disaster to preach in Norfolk

On April 13, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright’s will preach at Norfolk’s Bank Street Memorial Church. Barack Obama won’t be there, which doesn’t matter since Obama doesn’t remember his sermons anyway [wink]

The Daily Press nails Democratic Hypocrisy here. and so do I.

please, spare us the Democratic outrage over the Republican outrage. For years, every time a Republican drifted within a hundred miles of Bob Jones University, a Democrat would yell “racist.” Selective indignation has a way of coming around.

Amen! But, I’ll go a step further.

I’ve met more than a few left-wing activists in my time that think that equality isn’t fair. Honest! First, they divide people into groups (yes, and they usually put the word “typical” in front of the group they like to criticize).

Then, they talk about the oppression that their particular group has suffered. Race, gender, sexuality.

So far, not bad. I don’t like defining people by these things, but the left couldn’t survive without it (which is why watching the Clinton/Obama meltdown is so darn entertaining).

It’s the solution to the oppression that ruins it. Treating all people equally is not a solution to the far left. That’s not good enough. The oppressed must, they say, be showered with benefits and advantages that others can’t have. Racism is cured by equal and opposite racism. Sexism is cured by equal and opposite sexism.

Here’s where they really lose people. The left’s “reverse racism” isn’t racism. Reverse sexism isn’t sexism. Since they are the “oppressed,” nothing they say or do can be racist or sexist. Only the groups “in power” (whites, males) can be racist or sexist.

Obama said as much in his race speech:

Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism.

Bogus claims? Barack, you’re a millionaire. If anyone has a bogus claim of oppression, it’s that guy in your mirror.

Most Americans see things more clearly. If it’s wrong for me to steal from you, it’s wrong for you to steal from me. That’s fair.

The left’s view of racism and sexism reminds me of Animal Farm, where some can be more equal than others, depending on who gets to be “more equal.”

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