Give Scott Taylor a chance

One of the things about Bearing Drift that makes it a great website is that each contributor on this site is different. We have different backgrounds, careers, and more importantly, ideas. We are different people, therefore from time to time we have a difference of opinion.

It has been apparent over the past couple of weeks that many of my colleagues would like for Fourth District Representative Randy Forbes to change districts and run for re-election in the now vacated 2nd Congressional District. My colleagues have repeated this on multiple occasions.

However, I respectfully disagree with my colleagues. No one man should be allowed to run the table and get to pick and choose which district he runs in. In no way do I wish to disrespect the wonderful career of Congressman Forbes. Mr. Forbes is an excellent leader who should continue to run for Congress in his own district. Mr. Forbes is the Chairman of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, something that should not be taken for granted. Mr. Forbes is a good conservative Congressman who does his job well.

At the same time, new leaders should be given a chance to run for Congress.

We should give Delegate Scott Taylor that chance.

Scott Taylor is a decorated veteran of the US Navy Seals, small business owner, and member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Taylor is involved in the Virginia Beach community and has lived there for many years, unlike both of his opponents. One of his opponents, Pat Cardwell, has only lived in Virginia Beach area for a few years, while Congressman Forbes has represented Chesapeake for years.

Delegate Taylor is proposing solid conservative legislation in the General Assembly. Delegate Taylor’s new bill to allow Virginia National Guardsmen to arm themselves at recruiting stations passed unanimously in the House of Delegates on Thursday. He also is pushing legislation to make our schools safer by putting gunshot detection systems in new school buildings. Also, Delegate Taylor is working on a variety of other good-governance reforms that will make the Commonwealth a safer and better place to live.

Delegate Taylor has also taken it upon himself to be involved in national political conversations. He is a Fox News Contributor, Contributor, wrote his own book, and is an active rising star in the Republican Party of Virginia. He also took it upon himself to visit the Syrian border to learn more about the refugee crisis. This is not something to be frowned upon. More leaders in our party need to be as actively involved in the political opinion making process to help drive home the conservative message.

Lastly, Delegate Taylor is taking the conservative message to communities that are not always on our side. Republicans have a bad habit of preaching to the choir and not those who need the sermon. Scott Taylor doesn’t have that problem.

Simply put, he’s qualified. 

The biggest criticism that is levied against many young elected officials like Mr. Taylor is that he is too young. Millennials hear this every single day, especially in the Republican Party. Sit down. Wait your turn. Some are of the opinion that Mr. Taylor should spend the next 5-10 years in the General Assembly building upon his record.

Mr. Taylor is thoroughly qualified to run for Congress, why not let him run when the office is being vacated? Mr. Taylor should not be asked to wait his turn, as if congressional seats are like spots on the merry-go-round at the playground. The U.S. House is a legislative body where the people of a specific locality send someone they want to represent them to Congress.

Mr. Forbes should dig his heels in and run in the district that he currently lives in. It is very understandable why Mr. Forbes would like to run for a seat in different district. It will not be easy, but shouldn’t Mr. Forbes try to represent the locality that he already lives in? Beating rumored Democratic candidate State Senator Don McEachin will be no walk in the park. However, Republicans will still need a strong candidate in the 4th to run. Mr. Forbes would do a fine job representing the new 4th district as he has the old 4th district.

The bottom line is, I have the utmost respect for Mr. Forbes and wish him well in whatever decision he makes. That being said, we should not count out Delegate Scott Taylor. Delegate Taylor’s credentials and work ethic should speak for themselves. Scott Taylor would make a great Congressman for the Virginia Beach area.


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