Mr. Taylor goes to the Syrian border

Scott-Taylor-OPSEC-e1349463336344Scott Taylor has served just two years in the Virginia House of Delegates, and he’s already making national news headlines.

While the rest of us were watching the ball drop in Time Square last week, Taylor was in Jordan visiting a refugee camp on the Syrian border.  He wrote a detailed account of his trip that was published a few days ago at The Blaze, and I won’t recount the details here.  In an interview on Fox and Friends this morning, he summarized his major take-away from this trip:

If the International community is going to spend billions of dollars to help the refugees, that money would be more impactful over there, rather than refugee resettlements across the world. Most refugees want to stay in their homeland, let’s create a secure city of hope on the Syrian border.

Taylor arrived back home just in time to go to Richmond for the new session of the General Assembly.  He brings an impressive background with him, as a Harvard graduate, former Navy SEAL and Iraq War veteran, and as a successful international businessman – and he’s only 36 years old.

In a time that cynicism about our government and public officials is at historic highs, it is worthwhile to acknowledge and appreciate that there are good people in government who are there for the right reasons and applying their skills productively.  Scott Taylor is Virginia Beach’s Mr. Smith, and he’s very likely going to run for Lieutenant Governor next year.  If he does, he’s going to have a lot to commend himself to the people of Virginia.

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