Wittman on the budget, leadership, defense, and 2017

Jim Hoeft and I interviewed Rep. Rob Wittman last night about the budget, the leadership elections, defense spending, and the most recent developments in Virginia’s political scene. What did we learn?

Wittman was one of the 151 Republicans who voted against the continuing resolution that will keep the government funded until December. He is no fan of government paying its bills this way. It creates uncertainty. It solves nothing. And it puts Congress back into the position of having to fight over the budget just in time for Christmas.

Wittman strongly believes it was wrong for Congress to leave for its August recess without first finishing its work on the budget and wants to see new policies that would prevent Congress decamping while its most important work is left undone.

Wittman notes that CR’s and omnibus bills — not regular order — have been the rule for 15 years. He believes one possible solution is for Congress to adopt Virginia’s biennial budgeting system. It would add much-needed certainty for federal agencies and workers while allowing for mid-course corrections if economic or political conditions warrant it.

One item likely to arise in December: a hike in the debt ceiling. Wittman says he’s never voted for such an increase and is unlikely to do so again unless concrete steps on spending restraint are taken at the same time.

Regarding the House leadership races…Wittman says those elections are set for October 8th. While he has not yet decided who he will support, he has been asking the candidates their positions on the sequester, defense spending, entitlements and the return to regular order.

On the issue of defense spending, Wittman, like many who represent districts with a large military presence, is no fan of the sequester. He is adamant that it has taken far too much from defense spending, while doing nothing to address the “automatic spending programs” (also known as entitlements). The growing threats from China, Russia, and the Middle East are a testament to the need for a strong U.S. military. Under the sequester, however, Wittman believes we are rapidly losing the ability to adequately train, equip and support our armed forces personnel.

Our discussion turned to Virginia politics, where the jockeying for 2017 is already underway. Wittman expressed his thanks to Sen. Mark Obenshain, who bowed out of the nascent gubernatorial race, for his service to the commonwealth, and expects he will continue to be a force within the Virginia Senate.

When asked about the whispers of his becoming a gubernatorial candidate, Wittman demurred. He says his focus is on the 2015 General Assembly elections. And after that, the all-important 2016 presidential (and congressional) contest. First things first. Yes, people have talked to him about 2017. They mention his name as a possible gubernatorial candidate. It is, he said, “humbling.”

But when pressed, Wittman responded: “Never say never.”

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