Bearing Drift Republican Presidential Survey

Welcome to the first Bearing Drift Republican Presidential Survey for the 2016 race!

Seventeen men and women enter, one shall leave. But which one? Here we’ll ask you two simple question:

– Who do you support to win the nomination? Pretty simple, right? Who is your choice among the field? Do you like Donald Trump’s shot of truth into the political system? Is Marco Rubio’s message the one that gets you up in the morning? Do you love George Pataki because “GO YANKEES!”? Or Jim Gilmore!

– Who do you think will win the nomination? Take a step back and look at the field, apply what you know about the process and the electorate, and give this one a thought. When we emerge from the convention, who do you think will be the Republican nominee for President, for better or for worse?

The survey will run until Tuesday, September 15th, the eve of the next debate. Let us know what you think in the survey below. Tell your friends and family to let us know what you think. And share your further thoughts in the comments below.

DON’T SEE THE SURVEY? Click here to take it at SurveyMonkey.

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