“Republican First:” RPV stands up to Trump

It’s about time I get a chance to write something positive about RPV.

According to PoliticoRPV Chairman John Whitbeck and State Central have chosen to stand up to the Trumpkins and their Supreme Leader “The Donald.” RPV, along with the GOP in North Carolina, are considering making all presidential candidates sign a loyalty oath. This measure is being looked at to deter a 3rd party candidacy from billionaire populist candidate Donald Trump. Trump famously said in last month’s GOP Presidential Debate that he could not commit to supporting the eventual party nominee. The measure even has the endorsement of former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

John Whitbeck, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, said the proposal was among many that the organization was considering as it sketches out its ballot access requirements for the 2016 GOP primary. The ultimate decision, he said, would be made by the 84 members who comprise the state party’s central committee, which is slated to meet on Sept. 19. The requirements must be submitted to the Republican National Committee by Oct. 1.

If implemented, Whitbeck said, the provision would be similar to ones the party adopted for statewide races held in 2013 and 2014.

The Virginia proposal has earned the support of Ken Cuccinelli, the state’s former attorney general and 2013 gubernatorial nominee, who has been promoting the idea to members of the state party central committee. He has also been in touch with Whitbeck.

“Anybody who wants to seek the Republican nomination should have to commit to supporting the ultimate Republican nominee,” Cuccinelli said in a Monday interview. “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

Virginia already has so-called “sore-loser laws” on the books that do not allow candidates to run as an independent after they have lost a party nomination process. This is similar to other laws across the country that bar candidates from running as an independent after running in a primary.  So this is more about putting Trump on the spot than stopping a third party run.

This isn’t something new.  Even as far back as the 1960s, party officials debated adding loyalty oaths to primary campaigns to deter party fractures from those who couldn’t win a nomination process.

I’ve been harsh, to say the least, about Chairman Whitbeck’s helm of the gavel of RPV. I have real problems with our party here in Virginia. But this is one of those times where I can tip my hat to the Chairman, who is doing what’s right for the GOP voters of the Commonwealth, and for the nation. This is the best example of his putting his “Republican first” slogan into action.

There are still issues the party needs to address, but this is a step in the right direction. One can only wonder how the Trumpkins and the “Conservative Fellowship” will respond to this maneuver – but hopefully since both RPV and the Cuccinelli apparatus are in favor, this will be a relatively non-controversial move within the party. Regardless, this policy will effectively ensure that Virginia Republicans get to choose an ACTUAL Republican for President,  not just a rich narcissist who claims to be a Republican.

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