I stand with Megyn Kelly

I have been surrounded by strong women my entire life. My time in the Republican Party has been surrounded by strong women of great character. Some of best political activists in the Republican Party have been women.

That is why this attack on Fox News host Megyn Kelly cannot, should not, and will not stand. I won’t let it. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the recent controversy, this began Thursday with the Republican Debate. Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump the first question.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaPTOpgNDZA&w=420&h=315]

Donald Trump sassed Megyn, the debate moved on, but it did not stop there. Late into the night, Donald Trump continued to tweet at Megyn Kelly. At one point, he retweeted a comment from a supporter who called her a “bimbo.” A Trump staffer then decided to tweet how he wanted to “gut her.”

And then, here comes the point where my general distaste  for the Donald was thrown out the window. I’m now so disgusted, aggravated….I don’t have words….

In an interview with CNN Donald Trump had this to say:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzUZX7f2YDw&w=560&h=315]


If Donald Trump cannot handle Megyn Kelly, who was just doing her job, how can he handle Hillary Clinton? How can he handle the Chinese or the Russians? 

It’s a legitimate question. Mrs. Kelly asked Mr. Trump a simple question about his comments directed at women. He gave a cheap applause line about political correctness. She asked another very simple question, asking if Mr. Trump had proof of the Mexican Government sending people to America to destroy our country. Donald Trump had zero proof.

If Trump cannot handle the paid professional that is Megyn Kelly; God forbid he get the nomination and then he tell Hillary she is menstruating. She may claw his eyes out, and the Republicans would lose every state in the union to Hillary and the Dems.

If Trump cannot handle the the paid professional that is Megyn Kelly, how the hell is he supposed to handle the Chinese? He cannot accuse Vladmir Putin or Kim Jung Un they are menstruating.

I wonder if Joseph McCarthy ever said that Edward Murrow was menstruating. 

Think back to the great debates of political history. Wonder if McCarthy thought Ed Murrow was just “bleeding from everywhere?” What would have happened if Ronald Reagan had said something about Sam Donaldson menstruating? Wonder what would have happened if George W. Bush just had made an Oval Office address and told the world: “Gosh darnit it, Dan Rather is just PMSing!”

Those things never happened. Why? 

Because men don’t talk to other men like that. Real men don’t talk to women like that. Insignificant sexist pigs who are insecure about their manhood talk about women like that. 

Donald Trump is so insecure of himself that he cannot fathom anyone every talking to him in a tone that doesn’t sound like someone would gladly like to wipe his butt just to talk to them. It shows that Mr. Trump is so degrading to women that he will say or do anything just to grab some headlines.

I simply won’t stand for it.

There is a wing of our party who hates everyone who is not a white man.  Those disgusting nativist misogynists need to be driven out of the party like the cancer they are! It is high time that we demand a higher class debate. I agree with Senator Marco Rubio. We already have a President with no class, we as a country do not need another President just like him!

I applaud Erick Erickson, founder of RedState, for uninviting Donald Trump from the RedState Gathering.  Mr. Erickson had this to say:

“But I also think that while Mr. Trump resonates with a lot of people with his bluntness, including me to a degree, there are just real lines of decency a person running for President should not cross.

His comment was inappropriate. It is unfortunate to have to disinvite him. But I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong.

I have invited Megyn Kelly to attend in Donald Trump’s place tomorrow night.”

The nativist misogynist wing of our party must be driven out like the cancer it is. It’s time to call the oncologist and remove the tumor on our party that is Donald Trump!

I stand with Megyn for being a strong woman just trying to do her job as a reporter. I stand with her because I want all women out their pursue their career. I stand with Megyn because she and all women deserve respect.

Its time for “the Donald” to hit the door!




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