Press getting fed up with McAuliffe

A year and a half into Terry McAuliffe’s term as Governor, and the bloom is already off the rose. McAuliffe’s lack of experience is showing, and the Editorial Board of the Virginian-Pilot is starting to take him to task on it.

The topic: Supreme Court appointments

Unnecessary Misstep from the Governor

“But the governor has frequently struggled to make the pivot from campaigning to governing, a fact highlighted every time he publicly professes a desire to work with Republicans, only to follow with language excoriating them for not agreeing with him.”

Terry McAuliffe a partisan attacker? Say it ain’t so!

“One would think that episode would lead the governor — knowing that his appointment of a Supreme Court justice is only temporary — to consult with legislative leaders before offering an appointment and announcing his decision.

A spokesman for the House speaker said he received no such call; other Republican leaders said they learned about the appointment shortly before the governor announced it. One Republican, Del. Dave Albo of Fairfax, joined 12 Democrats in signing a letter supporting Roush’s appointment.

That’s no way to build consensus. That’s no way to prepare a lasting appointment.”

Harsh criticism from a newspaper which has been generally supportive of the Governor, even though its initial endorsement of him was tempered by its listing him as one of the “most flawed politicians to lead the commonwealth’s general election ballot in a lifetime.”(V-Pilot)

You think McAuliffe would know the job after running for it twice and holding it for 19 months. But his accomplishments have been few, if any, and his missteps have been frequent.

Since he took the oath, Virginia’s rank as the “best state for business” has tumbled from #1 in the nation to #4 with a ranking of #33 in “growth prospects”. Job growth under McAuliffe’s leadership is anemic with a pitiful 0.3% increase in jobs in 2014.

With several crucial elections ahead this November, I’d feel bad for Democrats who have to defend this Obama-McAullife-Hillary Clinton team who have embarrassingly fumbled and stumbled through the past two years.

McAuliffe has spent more time trying to get people on Medicaid than to find them jobs. So far, he’s been failing at both. He can’t be a partisan bipartisan.

At this rate, the only thing he’ll be by the end of 2017 is an ex-governor.

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