McAuliffe Opposes Black Judge For Virginia Supreme Court Pick?

virginia_supremecourtMan, I love headlines!

Of course, the spin is on this morning about McAuliffe’s reminder that the General Assembly actually gets input on selecting Virginia’s Supreme Court justices:

Norment and Howell gave little reason for the move, other than to note that Alston has experience on an appeals court. Roush, a Fairfax County circuit judge, does not.

…and that was from one of the marginally fair articles on the selection.

From the Republican side of the fence, the explanation was a bit more detailed.  From the release:

The Old Dominion Bar Association rated Judge Alston “highly qualified and recommended” for the Supreme Court.  The Virginia Trial Lawyers Association rated him “highly qualified.”  He was also endorsed by the Virginia Bar Association and the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys.  Although the Virginia State Bar did not endorse candidates for the current vacancy citing time constraints, they unanimously endorsed Judge Alston for the most recent previous Supreme Court vacancy.

“Judge Alston has the experience to be an outstanding addition to the Supreme Court of Virginia,” Speaker Howell noted.  “While several great candidates were considered, Judge Alston’s experience on the Court of Appeals and his service as a Chief Judge for the 31st Circuit make him ideally suited for this vacancy.

Now naturally, the governor typically — in Virginia, anyhow — works in consensus with the General Assembly to select justices.  McAuliffe played the game and jumped the gun in order to force a decision on the General Assembly…

…and lost.

This is what happens when we play DC politics in Richmond.

Moreover — and I think this needs to be said — that part from all the partisanship and bickering, there are some very critical things that McAuliffe is working on (or at least his staff and cabinet) that are incredibly beneficial to the next governor and a future General Assembly.  Some of that continuity structurally belongs to the lieutenant governor, truth be told (but that is a digression).

McAuliffe needs to quit picking these fights.  It’s not good for the long term health of the Commonwealth post-sequestration, and it certainly takes the eye off the ball — away from governance and towards the 2016 bickering that will surely come.

There’s a season for partisanship.  This is not that season, and McAuliffe would be wise to appreciate that.


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