Planned Parenthood Is a Lucrative Business Indeed

pp_moneybag_300pxQuick quiz: How much does Planned Parenthood’s CEO (yeah — CEO) make?

“Planned Parenthood’s claims of serving the poor are ludicrous given the massive salaries it pays its CEOs,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. “In fact, we see by looking at these salaries that PP is more interested in milking the government to line its own pockets off the backs of both the poor and the innocent humans it kills every day.”

The salary figures were taken from official IRS forms 990. The report shows that the average annual salary for an affiliate PP CEO is $186,071, with 87 percent of them making over $100,000, 37 percent making over $200,000, and 13 percent making over $300,000.

Meanwhile, PPFA’s CEO, Cecile Richards, reported making $590,928 annually. That is up substantially from the almost $400,000 a year she was earning just four years ago.

Absolutely disgusting.  Read the report from American Life League.

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