LIVE COVERAGE TONIGHT of the SEN-12 Debate Starting at 6:00pm!

_BEARINGDRIFT_300pxThe moment you’ve all been waiting for…

There’s been a lot of attention aimed towards Hanger (SEN-24) and Howell (HOD-28) thus far, but the real marquee race this year?

SEN-12.  A four-way winner-take-all race to replace retiring State Senator Walter Stosch.

* Dr. Siobhan Stolle-Dunnavant who is a known advocate for pro-life values;
* Solid conservative reformer and Tea Party stalwart Vince Haley;
* Longstanding conservative booster and social conservative warrior Eddie Whitlock;
* …and VMI graduate, seasoned conservative legislator, and irrepressible former Delegate Bill Janis.

The great thing about this race is that there’s not a single slouch in the entire pack.  All of them are great conservatives — some are greater than others.  Each one emphasizes a different part of the conservative spectrum, and the debate is going to be a lot of fun to watch and cover.

Coverage in a separate thread this evening!

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