Morrissey resigns, but will be back for the special election

The Joe Morrissey saga takes its latest turn:


Lots of possibilities here — Morrissey gets the drop on the two people lined up to challenge him in the Democratic primary, and you know…there’s a real possibility he could win.

If he does, the House could still try to give him the boot, but it becomes more difficult to do so.

This will be fun to watch…

UPDATE (Kenney):  Speaker Bill Howell has set the special election for January 13, 2015 with some appropriate words:

“Upon receipt of a letter of resignation from Joe Morrissey, I have issued a writ of election for the 74th House of Delegates district for Tuesday, January 13, 2015.

“Mr. Morrissey’s decision to run in this election is deceitful, selfish and disrespectful to this institution and the people he supposedly desires to serve. This is a despicable, arrogant political stunt that should disgust each and every citizen of Virginia. The people of the 74th district deserve better than this and the obligation now rests with them to retire Mr. Morrissey permanently.


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