Cantor heads to Wall Street

We can all rest easy, because former Rep. Eric Cantor has landed on his feet with the investment bank Moelis & Co. From the Company’s press release, we learn that Cantor will serve:

…as Vice Chairman and Managing Director. Mr. Cantor will also be elected to the Moelis & Company Board of Directors.

In his new role, Mr. Cantor will provide strategic counsel to the Firm’s corporate and institutional clients on key issues. He will play a leading role in client development and advise clients on strategic matters.

He will eventually open a DC office for the firm, which makes perfect sense. And it also makes sense that Cantor’s days in Central Virginia are numbered.

Cantor’s new boss, Ken Moelis, is a bit colorful. Not only is he a past donor to Mr. Cantor, he’s also a bit of a Randian and he has feuded with Ozzy Osbourne:

The Osbournes devoted an entire episode in 2003 to attacking Moelis and his family, who were never identified in the show. The Osbournes hurled expletives at their neighbors and launched paintballs at Moelis’s home because of the incessant sound of bouncing balls from the banker’s tennis court.

Ah, the problems of the upper class…

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