Foust’s hole gets deeper

Democrat John Foust continues to dig.

The 10th congressional candidate, feeling the sting from his earlier remarks about Republican nominee Barbara Comstock never having held a “real job” decided it was a good strategy to try explaining himself:

He called it a poor choice of words that were taken out of context.

“I was speaking to the fact that I served on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and as chairman of the Fairfax Economic Advisory Commission and have experience in investing in transportation and education—all these things that create jobs,” Foust said. “I was pivoting to compare my opponent’s—what I call hyper partisan—job experience in Washington.”

In other words, Foust not only stands by his statement, he has decided to wear it as a badge of honor.

Foust’s DCCC handlers must have had the day off. They would never have let him near that shovel…

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