McAuliffe wastes no time delving into divisive issues

mcauliffe_inauguration_logoFor the most part, today’s inauguration was civil, congratulatory, and in keeping with longstanding Virginia tradition.

The peaceful transition of power from Republicans to Democrats occurred ceremoniously today at Virginia’s capitol city, Richmond.

The sovereign state of Virginia said goodbye to former Gov. Bob McDonnell, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and Atty. Gen. Ken Cuccinelli and appreciated their service to the commonwealth. We swore in and welcomed His Excellency, Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam and Atty. Gen. Mark Herring. As was conveyed repeatedly through prayer and dialogue, we wish them well.

But, here’s the crux of the new McAuliffe administration:

As the legislature and my administration work to diversify our economy, we need to remember that our sense of urgency is driven by those Virginians who struggle each and every day to get by – and whose dream is simply to give their children the opportunities that they may never have had.

My administration will work tirelessly to ensure that those opportunities are equal for all of Virginia’s children –

No matter if you’re a girl or a boy,

No matter what part of the Commonwealth you live in,

No matter your race or religion,

And no matter whom you love.

There is still work to do to.

We must work to ensure that the children of new immigrants to Virginia have equal educational opportunities.

To ensure that someone can’t lose a job simply because they are gay.

And to ensure that every woman has the right to make her own personal health care decisions.

An open and welcoming state is critical in a 21st Century economy.

Okay. Was this section really necessary or was it added as a piece of rhetorical flourish for special interest groups?

With former President Bill and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton watching proudly over His Excellency’s right shoulder, it was clear that while the governor might talk a good game about working together and forming consensus, there are some issues – mainly social – that will create great division.

The question now is, will Gov. McAuliffe govern, as McDonnell, seeking to look past these divisive issues and do what is truly in the best interest of the economy, or will he go “all in” on social policy – creating a culture that further alienates the populace?

Only time will tell.

Addendum: Kudos to the governor’s staff (likely both McDonnell and McAuliffe staffs making this happen) on quickly switching all online media over to the new administration. Website, Twitter, and Facebook (sans spelling error) are all in the new governor’s name.

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