Election Day Open Thread (Updated, several times)

At long last, election day has arrived in Virginia. What are you seeing out there at the polls?

At the Tuckahoe precinct in Henrico, the traffic was steady, but paled compared to the lines in last year’s presidential contest. A meals tax referendum is on the ballot, but aside from that and the statewide races, there was not much else to vote on — incumbent Delegate John O’Bannon is unopposed (congratulations on your re-election, Doctor).

Consider this an open thread (most recent updates on top)…

Update 17

Results from the bellwether of Chesterfield county…Cuccinelli 50.01 percent, McAuliffe 39.88 percent, Sarvis 10.11 with 73 out of 74 precincts reporting. McAuiffe missed his 44 percent target. But he out-performed Creigh Deeds’ results from 2009.

Historically, GOP candidates need 56 percent or more from Chesterfield to win statewide.

Update 16

Shaun Kenney and I are here at Charlottesville’s WAHU 27, we’ll be on the air at 8 PM. What have we heard? Exit polls do not look pretty. At all. Prepare for the worst case scenario. GOP House seats may be in jeopardy, too (possibly eight).

Update 15

One more from Fairfax County:

And Donny Ferguson adds some anecdotal info from Alexandria:

And a little older, but from Rick on turnout in Charlottesville:

Rick is guessing now that C’Ville’s turnout could be in excess of 40 percent.

Update 14

And these are worth noting, too (from Fairfax County):

Update 13

More Fairfax County turnout information from Brian:

Update 12

And now for a bit of projected turnout, from Patrick Ruffini:

Screen shot 2013-11-05 at 3.09.50 PM

Update 11

From the Richmond area:

And a note from Brian in the wilds of Fairfax County:

Update 10

A turnout anecdote from the Valley:

The rest of that tweet reads: “…was 40 percent, local ranged from 42-48 percent. Did you vote in 2009? Did you (or will you) vote today?”

Update 9

And for something completely unscientific, an online exit poll, from WRIC TV in Richmond.

Update 8

And the expectations game continues…

Update 7

Brian’s star turn, talking about Fairfax County election procedures:

Update 6

Via Breitbart:

Absentee ballots are up from 2009. The Virginia State Board of Elections reports 121,000 absentee ballots have been returned in 2013. In 2009, 88,189 absentee ballots were cast. With around 2 million votes expected to be cast, absentee voting makes up a very small share of the overall electorate.

Update 5

And then there’s this:

Update 4


Update 3

Rick Sincere will be on the Schilling Show at 12:45 reporting on the returns from around Charlottesville. You can listen to the livestream at the link.

Update 2

Via Brian’s Twitter feed:

Fairfax is not only a bellwether county, it tends to select Virginia’s governors. It also has a long, long habit of reporting its numbers late in the contest.

For those who want their political news earlier, Shaun Kenney and I will be offering commentary on Fox 27 in Charlottesville tonight at 8 PM.


For those on Twitter, our own Brian Schoeneman is a member of the Fairfax County election board, and you can follow his updates here: @BrianSchoeneman

And if you’re looking for information from Charlottesville, our Rick Sincere is an election board member there. His Twitter updates can be read here: @Rick_Sincere.

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