WAVY, WTKR, WVEC – Yes to ad money, No to debate

You’ve seen millions of dollars spent on television ads for Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe. It’s been economic development for TV stations in Virginia. Lots of money padding pockets at WAVY, WTKR and WVEC in Hampton Roads.

But the final debate between the two candidates who spent all these millions of dollars to television will take place tonight at 7 PM.

And the Hampton Roads television station broadcasting it will be…….NONE.

The debate will be televised on these vaunted television stations who actually do appreciate all the profit they make from political advertising.

• Roanoke-area WDBJ – Channel 7
• Charlottesville-area CBS – Channel 19
• Harrisonburg-area ABC – Channel 4
• Greater Washington-area ABC – Channel 8

Here in Hampton Roads, well, WAVY has “Entertainment Tonight” – WTKR has “Inside Edition” – WVEC has the creaky “Wheel of Fortune”

Not exactly must-see TV. Even public broadcasting at WHRO isn’t broadcasting the debate (what are they there for, anyway, if not public affairs coverage?).

Hey, news media! When you opine why voter turnout is low, remember the role you played in making it so.

Maybe Hampton Roads television stations like the polls where they are and have decided to go silent.

That not one television station in Hampton Roads offers to broadcast this debate in the closing weeks of the state’s biggest campaign is an absolute disgrace.

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